Why We’re Focusing On Self Love This Valentines Day

The love of your life is you this Valentine’s Day. And we’re practicing self-love all day long. Doesn’t matter if you’re single or taken, the art of learning to love yourself is very important. How do you expect other people to love you if you don’t love yourself?

Not sure where to start? We’ve got a few tips to get you going.


1. Stop Comparing Yourself  To Others

The saying goes…

“The only time you look in your neighbor’s bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your neighbor’s bowl to see if you have as much as them.”

… which is a pretty insightful saying if we do say so ourselves. Focus on yourself and your journey and not how others are doing. Don’t forget that social media is a highlight reel, people don’t document their down days.


2. Don’t Worry About Others Opinions 

A lot easier said than done but wasting energy on other people’s opinions is pointless, there’s always going to be someone who has a problem with something you’re doing, so you’ve just got to do you.

3. Allow yourself to make mistakes

The older you get the more pressure you might feel to be perfect. You need to cut yourself some slack. People make mistakes and it’s important to make them so you can learn from them. Make as many as you can!

4. Remember your value doesn’t lie in how your body looks 

There’s so much pressure to look a particular way, especially if you spend your time scrolling through Instagram. You’re valuable because of you not because of your body.

5. Don’t be afraid to let go of toxic people

Not everyone takes responsibility for the energy they put out into the world. If there’s someone that’s putting toxic energy into your life you need to let them go even if it’s painful.

6. Process your fears

Don’t reject your fears but understand them. This can really help you understand your mental health and unmask what’s causing you anxiety.

7. Trust yourself to make good decisions for yourself

Most of the time you cant make a decision, your gut already knows. Your feelings are valid. You know yourself better than anyone.

8. Put yourself first 

This is something to not feel guilty about. Women usually fall into the habit of putting other people first. Without recharging or decompressing you run the risk of putting strain on your physical and mental health.

9. Be kind to yourself 

In a world full of judgment, you don’t need to add yours to the pile.

10. See the beauty in simple things

Gratitude gives you perspective and is essential to bring joy to life.


Be patient with yourself. Self-love might not happen overnight but with time it will become the norm. You might struggle to start but remember these are all stepping stones on your journey to self-love. Shop Valentines day online now 

Mia Babb
Mia Babb

Find me on: Instagram


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